Sunday, April 17, 2011

End of Week 2


I must confess I thought I would not manage to do everything I had to and catch up with the tasks for this week.
It's been a particularly hectic week with some unexpected things coming my way. I am glad we are coming to the end now.
I believe that time and time-management in particular could well be considered the greatest enemy of our days. For those like me, a little older than 40, it must seem crystal clear we did have more time in the past. I can still remember how long it would take from one weekend to the other, not to mention from one Christmas to the other. Do I have to be explicit about what happens in the days and time of twitter, facebook, orkut and so many other microblogging platforms? I sometimes make some jokes at school and say it seems I only teach on Mondays and Thursdays. The thing is it always seems I am saying "Hi, how was your weekend?" and then "Bye, have a nice weekend". I simply don't know what happens in between.
Maybe because I have my hands in different pies this feeling is even stronger and then there comes a bitter taste of guilt in my tongue. Should I be more careful about my time management skills? Am I doing anything wrong?
How do you feel about it? Do you ever wish you had some more time? What would you do if you were granted two brand-new extra hours a day?


  1. Well, Gill, I share your time-experience, though I am 30. I often joke with a friend of mine about trying to create and squeeze a few more hours into a 24-hour-day. If I had two brand-new extra hours a day? Well, I'm sure I'd burned them quickly :)

  2. Hi Eldin and Gilmar,

    I have to agree. If I had two more days each week, I'd find a way to do more work (and I'm not sure that would be a good thing!). Those days would burn away too quickly.


  3. Hi Eldin and Donna,
    There's no way - we are workaholics, right? I so agree with the two of you. No matter how much extra time we may have, we will soon burn it away. I think the same is true about money - it's no wonder they say time is money.
    Well.. gotta try to do my best with the time I have.
    Thank you for the comment.

  4. Hi, Gil, I was also under a lot of stress these days and didn't find time to respond to your kind words on my blog:) and to share some simple teacher's thoughful insights on the topic of time management (I hope you have a sense of humour:D)
    One of our most famous revolutionaries(a fighter for political freedom) said 200 years ago that whoever liberates us, would enslave us. Now this seems true for our modern life, changing the "whoever" with "whatever". That is what technology can do to us, or our good intentions to get on a higher level of the social hierarchy, or whatever....have to rush now, or will be late for classes :)
    Best wishes for a great Easter
