Sunday, June 5, 2011

Week 9 - Multiple Intelligences and Learning Styles

Another amazing week in which we had the chance to read and discuss more about the Theory of Multiple Intelligences by Howard Gardner from his book called Frames of Mind.
I have always been very much interested in that so it was a great pleasure to be able to read more about it and also learn from my peers who added so much to the discussion board on NICENET.
I have come across this video with Dr Howard Gardner and I want to keep it safe here for future reference.

We managed to connect this theory of the multiple intelligences,nine so far: verbal-linguistic; logical/mathematical; visual/spatial; bodily/kinesthetic; musical/rhythmic; intrapersonal; interpersonal; naturalist; existentialist with the different learning styles: active and reflective learners; sensing and intuitive learners; visual and verbal learners; sequential and global learners as explained by Richard Felder and Barbara Soloman from the North Carolina State Univeristy.

I have also come across this short video summarizing the main points about different learning styles:

We all agreed that the key for success is reaching a balance of teaching methods so each and every learner is catered for and gets at one point or another what will certainly help him to learn more effectively. Care must be taken to expose learners to other ways of teaching/learning they may not feel most comfortable with at first but which will be essential for their full development and success no matter the career they choose to follow.

Another amazing opportunity for professional development!

Welcome (final) week 10!


  1. Gil,

    What a nice way to wrap up this week! What a precious video this one with Dr Howard Gardner!
    Thank you so much for sharing!


  2. Hi Helô...

    Glad you liked the video - a must have, isn't it?
    I have double feelings now - it's good to know we have managed to do everything but at the same time I am so used to being in contact with you all, it's going to be hard to say goodbye.

    See you...


  3. Hi Gilmar,

    This video is wonderful. Thanks for sharing it with all of us. You are 100% correct--it will be very difficult to say goodbye.


  4. Hi Gilmar
    I wanted to post a comment last week but I had some problems with my blog. Anyway, I liked the video especially the part that suggests strategies for different learning styles. I will use some of them.


  5. Hi Gil,

    It has been nice "meeting" you, Nice post what you have here. I liked it very much.

    Take care


  6. My sheer pleasure to have you all connected with me! We must keep in touch!!
